Welcome to our webstore
From this page you can buy ranks, items, and other perks to help support the server. Your purchases help to cover the cost of our dedicated servers, backup servers, plugins, website, domain name, and other things that make CozyBlock run.
Everything you see on our store may also get unlocked without spending a dime by simply voting with /vote!
If you have any questions or issues relating to purchases, please either check with an Admin (Qlause) in-game or contact [email protected] and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
CozyBlock is not affiliated with or supported by Mojang; do not contact Mojang for issues relating to purchases.
Please note that all purchases are final; purchases won't be refunded if you are banned, jailed, or muted on the server for breaking CozyBlock rules. Please ensure you are over 18 or have parental permission before purchasing from the store.